Latest news about health in Wolverhampton
Bringing you the latest news about health in Wolverhampton and how you can 'have your say' on a range of health topics.
Visit Wolverhampton City Commissioning Group on Facebook NHS in Wolverhampton, or follow them on Twitter@NHSinWolves
Macmillan Support
Macmillan support offer free, confidential support to people living with cancer and their loved ones. If you need to talk, we'll listen. For more information visit
Safeguarding - Are you concerned about an adult or child?
For more information visit
Domestic Abuse
Who to contact if you are experiencing domestic violence and abuse?
If you are a victim of domestic abuse always remember you are not to blame and not alone.
In Wolverhampton you can:
- Phone 551199 - and tell the operator what is happening to you, this is the councils safeguarding helpline.
- Call the Police - phone 999 in an emergency or phone 101 if you don't feel safe but are not in immediate danger
- Wolverhampton Domestic Violence Forum WDVF on 01902 555643
- Haven 08000 194 400
Compton Care
A support group to help patients with incurable conditions to live their best life. Please click on the link below for more information
Wolverhampton Healthy Minds
Wolverhampton Healthy Minds offers brief psychological therapy for people experiencing common mental health problems such as low mood, anxiety and stress.
If you are 16 or over and registered with a GP in Wolverhampton, we can help
Please click on the link below for more information
CRUSE support
Grief can be overwhelming you don`t have to deal with it alone. To get support please click on the link below
Home - Cruse Bereavement Support
Blue Badge
City of Wolverhampton Council, Blue Badge Service are providing face to face surgeries to support new and renewal applicants apply for a blue badge. The surgery can also support people who wish to hand in or check documents to support their applications.
The surgeries are available by appointment only at the following locations:
Wednesfield Library: Well Lane, Wolverhampton, WV11 1XT
Every first Thursday of the month
Bilston Library: Mount Pleasant, Bilston, WV14 7LU
Every second Thursday of the month
Civic Centre: St Peter’s Square, Wolverhampton, WV1 1SH
Every third Thursday of the month
The Institute: Wood Rd, Wolverhampton WV6 8NF
Every fourth Thursday of the month
If you require support completing your Blue Badge application please contact our Blue Badge Customer Services Team on 01902 551155
Dementia Friendly Community
The Alzheimer's Society granted Wolverhampton Dementia Friendly Community Status for 2017-18 after recognising the work taking place in the City to improve services for people living with dementia, and their families and carers. Joe Edwards, Dementia Friendly Communities Officer for the West Midlands, said: "The Wolverhampton Dementia Action Alliance has put in a great amount of work to achieve Dementia Friendly Community status. The dementia-friendly action of member organisations will make a real difference to the lives of people affected by dementia in the City."
To find out more about the Wolverhampton Dementia Action Alliance please visit the website or contact Susan Eagle on

Dementia Friendly Award Winners
Wolverhampton Dementia Cafes:
Where: Linden House Cafe, Linden House, Tettenhall Road, WV6 0DD
When: 1st Tuesday of the month
Time: 10.00am to 12.00pm
Wednesfield Community Café
Where: Wednesfield Community Centre, Well Lane, Wednesfield, WV11 1XT
When: 2nd Tuesday of the month
Time: 10.00am to 12.00pm
Bilston People's Centre
Where: Wolverhampton Street, Bilston, WV14 0LT
When: 1st Friday of the month
Time: 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Help and support
A range of organisations offer help and support for people with dementia and their families and carers. They include:
Carer Support Team
The Carer Support Team offers a range of support for carers of adults living in Wolverhampton.
A Carer is anyone who provides support for a relative, friend or neighbour without payment. The person that you look after may have a mental health need, learning disability, physical and sensory disability or may be an older, vulnerable person.
The Carer Support Team can support you in your caring role by offering the following:
- Practical information, advice & guidance
- Carer's Assessment
- Benefits advice
- Signposting
- Emotional support
- Carers Emergency Card
- Carer Training
- Carers Cafe at the Lighthouse
- Information about Breaks for Carers
What is a Carer's Assessment?
This is an opportunity for you as a carer to talk about your caring role and the impact it has on your life. You will then be able to work through a plan to support you in your caring role.
Personal Budgets
A Carer Personal Budget (also known as a Carer Direct Payment) is a sum of money paid by the council's Adult Social Care department to help to a carer to pay for things which will help them in their caring role. It allows a carer to have more control over how they are supported. To get a personal budget you will have to have had a Carers Assessment and you will need to be eligible. To find out more contact the Carers Team. You and the person who completes the assessment with you will create a support plan which will show how your support will be arranged, and how you will spend your personal budget.
Benefits Advice
As a Carer, there may be benefits, such as Carers allowance that you are entitled to. The person you care for may also be entitled to benefits that you may not be aware of. During your carer's assessment, you will be offered advice and support about the benefits you may be able to claim. You should always get advice when putting in claims as sometimes claiming certain benefits can have an impact on the benefits of the person you care for. For more information please contact the Carers Team.
Carers Emergency Card
Carers are offered an emergency card once they have had a Carers Assessment so that if the carer was in an accident or emergency the card would identify them as a carer and a contingency plan can be put into place.
Carer Support Centre
Blossoms Fold off North Street
Contact Details
Tel: 01902 553409 - carer support
The Sound Doctor
The Sound Doctor produces high quality films about a number of medical conditions online. All the films are short, informative and interesting. They will help you understand more about your condition and how to look after yourself better.
If you or any of your family would like to access this large film library please email: giving the name of your GP and practice. You will be sent a link to click on, and you then just need to create a username and password of your choice. That’s all you have to do! Please do recommend this resource to your friends and family if you think they will benefit from the information. As long as they live in this region they will be eligible for free access too
Support group for Patients on the Autism Spectrum
About the Group
We are a support group based in Wolverhampton for people aged 18 years old and over who have Autism and Asperger's Syndrome. The group is supported by the Mental Health Empowerment Team from Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council.
Carers and professionals are also welcome.
We meet on the third Thursday of every month from 10.30am to 12.30pm
The group gives an opportunity for adults with autism to meet up each month in a friendly, supportive environment to share experiences and useful information, take part in activities and hopefully feel more part of the community. Also to feed back to Wolverhampton's Autism Strategy Group around the needs / experiences of adults on the autism spectrum.
Group Meetings usually involve arranged speakers. We also meet occasionally for a social event at other times of the week and day.
We are very open to suggestions for activities from group members.
The group is funded by Wolverhampton City Council.
Location of Group Meetings
Meetings take place at:
The Old School
73 Dudley Road
Bus Number 1 - This bus runs approximately every 6 to 7 minutes and can be caught in Darlington Street, Lichfield Street (near the Art Gallery) or Market Street or Snow Hill. Get off at the first stop on Dudley Road and the building will be on your right.
Contact: Amanda Williams
Tel: 01902 328978
Parent & Carer Support Group
This group is a self-help group for parents, carers & children. The group offers support to help find services available to children on the Austism spectrum in the local Wolverhampton area, information that is not cascaded well to parents often leaving them feeling unsupported. Please click on the link below to view upcoming meeting dates from January 2020 to April 2020 and also contact information. These meetings are held in both local areas Willenhall & Wednesfield.
Parent & Carer Support Group
Black Country Support Group
Helpline number 0844 887 2382
Please click on the link below to view the poster for more information
Fibromyalgia poster (PDF, 161KB)
Single Moms Support Group in Wolverhampton
Please click on the link below for the information regarding a Single Moms Support Group in Wolverhampton
Single Mom's Support Group
The Wolverhampton Integrated Respiratory Lifestyle (TWIRL) Group
We’re delighted to be one of the organisations supporting The Wolverhampton Integrated Respiratory Lifestyle (TWIRL) Project, alongside The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, Compton Hospice, Wolves Community Trust, Age UK Wolverhampton and West Midlands Fire Service.
With the support of the Health Foundation, we have worked together to develop an informal community-based ‘breathing group’ for COPD patients. COPD is a condition where the airways become inflamed and the air sacs in the lungs are damaged. This causes the airways to become narrower, which makes it harder to breathe in and out.
TWIRL will meet weekly on Wednesday afternoons at Molineux Stadium, Wolverhampton starting Wednesday 20 July. Patients can take part in fun activities like bingo and quizzes, and receive structured education to help them better manage their condition whilst being supported by volunteers and health care professionals in an informal environment.
For more details about the group, please e-mail or call 01902 444878.